How to Use Keywords in Articles to Boost Search Engine Optimization

Written content is an excellent way to boost seo on a website, but it does need to be done properly. If the content isn’t written correctly, it could lead to issues for the website, such as the website being removed from the listings completely or receiving a lower ranking rather than a higher one. When using articles for content to boost keyword rankings, use the following tips.

Choose the Right Keywords

What keywords are potential customers using the most? These are the ones to focus on in the beginning. After that, it’s possible to focus on lesser-used keywords or related keywords. Choosing the right keywords is going to make a difference in how much the optimization impacts the ranking for the website, so do plenty of research on potential keywords before choosing ones to use.

Minimize the Keywords Used Per Article

Use only a few keywords per article created for the website. It’s best to stick with one or two that are the main focus of the content rather than try to use as many keywords as possible. This leads to more informative, better-written articles that are going to be more impressive to the search engines and to anyone who visits the website.

Use the Keyword But Don’t Overuse

In the past, the more keywords there were, the better. Major search engines like Google have changed their stance on this and the focus is now on original, unique, and informative content, not keywords. Using too many keywords is considered keyword stuffing, and this could have a negative impact on not only the organic search results for the website but whether the website even appears in the search engine listings.

Use Variations of the Keyword

Don’t just use the same keyword or phrase repeatedly in an article. While minimizing the use of the keyword throughout the content, consider using variations of the keyword as well. This shows the search engines what the topic of the content is and will help with the ranking without it looking like the content is being used for keyword stuffing.

If you’re trying to create articles for search engine optimization and to boost the ranking for your website, make sure you’re using keywords appropriately. It’s all too easy to make mistakes that lead to unintended consequences that could reduce the ranking for the website or cause it to be removed from the listings completely. Instead, use the tips here to make sure you’re doing it right each time you create a new article.

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